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About Metal Slimeware

Joe Kelly
Joe Kelly
I tell stories. I’m a software engineer, lawyer, and actor all in one.
Table of Contents

About me #

Hi! My name is Joe, or metal_slime/metal-slime, and I am very pleased to meet you. In my experience, I find that everyone has a unique history and set of skills. My own case is no different. I’ve been coding since I was in high school, which gives me decades of experience. I got a degree in software development and then went to my other passion. I went to get a degree in acting. I did get that, but, as we all know the stereotype, I had to have a day job. And so I got one as a software developer.

Not being content with seeing judges and Justices get technical concepts wrong, I decided I should go to law school and from there I could help change the legal world to reflect what tech is and how it actually works. Boy, was I a bit naive. But, I went to law school nonetheless and had a great time. Back on the outside, I had some jobs where I could combine my legal and tech experience and that leads me to where I am now. A senior software engineer at a legislative technology company.

About this blog #

Being able to communicate with people is important. I’ve missed communicating with people. In my current role, my chances to give presentations or make other content are not high on the list. There are too many other things to do. This blog is where I can do this.

I’m going to be talking about technology and issues I face in both my work and personal adventures. I will definitely have posts trying to help provide any types I’ve come across for being a better communicator. I may even talk about potential legal implications that come from or impact what I’m doing.

I bet you’re thinking to yourself, “Oh, great, just another boring blog.” But, fret not, I will do my utmost to keep things entertaining. Real, effective communication is about engaging with an audience and telling stories. If I can’t tell you a good story here, then I’m not going to bore you with nothing but bland technical or legal details. Sometimes, we’ll have to talk about those, but I’ll do my best to try and make it fun.